Understand and develop your team
We are different, yet the same
We are all humans, with the same basic physical needs. However, the psychological needs we have are differently weighted between people. Therefore, what motivates us differs, and as a leader you need to understand the people in your team.
If I were to tell you what I appreciate the most working with you, I give information about my own needs, what is important to me. This is a valuable source of knowledge, ready to be utilized.

Succeess or failure
Just because your leadership style works perfectly in one group, it doesn’t have to in another. In fact, what worked so fine at your last job can be a total failure in your new group.
To manage your team, you need to understand it.
Does your team feel appreciated?
The most likely answer is unfortunately: “No, they don’t!” In organizations where over 80% of the people say they frequently share appreciation and encouragement, only 20% feel they receive the appreciation.
What you want to say don’t get through. hawen is designed to be personal and focused to overcome this.